Tuesday 11 October 2011

Preliminary Task Music Video

This is our 1 minute music promo for 'Who Says' by Selena Gomez.

  • Starts with close ups of make up and jewellery (cut aways) this is seen for the first 3 seconds of the music video
  • The next shot is a mid shot of the singer, as she sings the first line
  • Cut to singer picking up lip gloss and then extreme close up of her lips as she puts on the lip gloss
  • Cuts to singer sorting pictures
  • Cut to singer mid-shot as she sings the next line
  • Cut to table with the pictures and a phone with a picture of the singer on it.
  • The singer then screws up the picture and we cut to a shot of the pictures being thrown in the bin.
  • Cut to a shot of the singer looking happy.
  • Cut away to other people singing the lyrics to the song
  • Back to singer with an over the shoulder shot looking into a mirror
  • Close up of phone
  • fade from this to the artist in a long-shot surrounded by roses
  • close ups of roses and mid shots of artist surrounded by roses
  • mid shot of artist sitting on a chair swing holding a rose
  • singer gets up and twirls around
  • cut to singer turning away from the mirror back in the bedroom
  • the word perfect appears in a close up of the mirror
  • close up of singer
  • close up of money
  • mid shot of singer by the mirror
  • long shot of roses
  • close up of picking roses
  • mid shot of singer lip-synching with roses behind her and holding a rose in her hand
  • mid shot of singer looking away from the camera
  • The word 'pretty' in make-up on a table being swept away
  • high angled shot looking down on the singer lying on a bed lip-synching
  • close up of singer for the last line

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