Tuesday 28 February 2012


Today Becky, Duresh and I started editing the music video and checking some lip-sync and making sure we were happy wiht the shots. We made good progress and managed to re-edit up until the end of the first chorus. After we had a break for lunch Becky and I came back to edit however Duresh did not. Becky and I continued to edit although we were not as familiar with using Final Cut as Duresh we soon picked it up and I now feel really confident with it. Becky and I re-edited the entire music video. We were not happy with the way we had edited in blocks and felt when watching it back it lacked fluidity and looked messy. After 3 hours of editing, watching all the footage and editing it too the music we finally finished editing the whole music video. Because of having to show the music video to the class on thursdaywe felt it was important to have the music video finished even if it was a rough version in order to get the best feed back and give us the best chance of improving what we had. I am so pleased with waht Becky and I have been able to do and I feel that although it is not perfect we have been able to put together a great rough edit that we can work on with the help of the classes feed back.

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