Thursday 2 February 2012

Media Filming

Today Becky and I filmed the cutaways of the Lego house and Lego heart i made as well as some other objects we thought could make interesting cutaways. We also filmed some shots where I set fire to a picture. This shot was a little dangerous as the picture burnt quite quickly but we were really careful and had a tin tray and some water ready to put out the flame. It was all safe and nothing was damaged. I am not entirely sure whether some of the footage we have is the best it can be. After watching it back and looking at some of the framing, I think it would be better to re-shoot using a closer shot and also have some footage where I lip-sync the song as the picture burns. But overall today was successful as now I know exactly what shots I want and what would work better and we also have some great cutaways to put in to the music video.

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